• Years in The Business
  • Years of Industry Experience
  • Experts available to talk
  • Excellent Customer Service

Case Studies

  1. Protecting Pangolins in Gabon with the help of an ultra rugged Android Smartphone

    Protecting Pangolins in Gabon with the help of an ultra rugged Android Smartphone

    Chester Zoo required a robust Android solution for wildlife surveys in tough terrain in Gabon & Uganda

  2. Enhancing Efficiency: How an Android tablet helped Newcastle City Council digitise grass cutting operations

    Enhancing Efficiency: How an Android tablet helped Newcastle City Council digitise grass cutting operations

    We assisted Newcastle City Council in their selection of an Android solution for grass cutting in challenging dirty, dusty, & wet conditions

  3. Computing equipment at the rail edge

    Computing equipment at the rail edge

    We consider how suppliers and manufacturers are ensuring that advances in IT hardware are made available to support applications in demanding on-train environments

  4. Mobile Computing Equipment for Waste Collection, Street Cleansing & Winter Gritting activities

    Mobile Computing Equipment for Waste Collection, Street Cleansing & Winter Gritting activities

    Presentation examining the processes to select the right mobile computing platforms for these crucial activities

  5. Would your business like to provide a case study?

    Would your business like to provide a case study?

    RUGGED MOBILE Systems are looking for case studies from customers using our rugged hardware.